Friday, June 1, 2012

Foster Parents Rock

I recently saw this billboard as I was driving into Milwaukee.

It really caught my eye how it was displayed with how there is an adult and a child with the phrase, "turn a life around."  The picture is that of a child that looks thrilled because of the company of an adult making them happy.  And then I noticed the website for  This billboard and the organization truly shows how important an adult figure is for a child's life.

I then started researching the website and noticed a familiar picture that was from Marquette University.  The picture was from the event that Marquette and other Universities around the state called Flash Mob.  I remember hearing about the event, but never truly understood what it was about.

As I continued to search the website, it all came together.  Featured on the website under the link foster parent stories, was this video shown below.  It was truly touching and inspirational and explained the Flash Mob took place on campus here at Marquette and around the state.  It showed the great importance of foster parents in this short one minute video.  I hope this is something that Marquette and the state of Wisconsin does again because I'd love to take part in it and help make a difference in the lives of less fortunate children.

 Truly inspirational.

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